ENT Specialists of Alaska

ENT Specialists of Alaska

Can Humidity Cause Sinus Infections?

Man laying down in pain from a sinus infection pinching his painful sinuses

There’s that old cliche: it isn’t the heat, it’s the humidity. And it’s true. Humidity is oppressive and inescapable. Activities are less fun when you’re having a difficult time breathing through the muggy air. And humidity can also be more than aggravating, it can cause a sinus infection.

If you have a sinus infection, how can you tell?

In a lot of ways, a sinus infection (medically called sinusitis) is a very general sort of disorder. Sinus infections occur when fluids build up inside of your sinuses. This fluid can then become infected, typically by viruses, but occasionally by bacteria as well. This infection can be really uncomfortable and will usually produce even more fluid.

Here are a few symptoms to watch for:

  • Lasting nasal congestion. Usually, if you have blockage caused by a sinus infection, it will last at least ten days.
  • Tooth pain (pressure from your sinuses can make your teeth hurt).
  • A persistent fever or high temperature.
  • Continuous sinus drainage.
  • Pressure headaches.

Sinus infections will cause any combo of these symptoms. As a general rule, you should consult your primary care doctor if you have cold symptoms that don’t seem to go away or are particularly severe.

Can you really get a sinus infection from humidity?

A wide range of root conditions can trigger a sinus infection. Sometimes, a common cold can cause excess fluid to become entrenched, fluid that then gets infected and results in a protracted illness.

But humidity? It feels like a stretch, right?

It’s not! Very high humidity really can cause sinus infections. That’s because when the air becomes sticky, your respiratory system’s defense mechanisms don’t function quite as well as usual.

And for a little thing called cilia, that’s especially true. These small hairs are found all through your nose and their main function is to move protective mucus around where it’s needed. Irritants, like dirt and dust, are also filtered out by these cilia. But your cilia don’t work as well when it’s humid. And recurring sinus infections can be the result.

And it’s not just because more germs get past your defenses. An infection can come from extended exposure to allergens or even something as ordinary as too much dust.

What is too much humidity?

It’s worth pointing out that your defensive mucus and cilia need a certain amount of humidity to work correctly. Under typical conditions, this isn’t something you need to be concerned about. But when you see dew points going into the 70s, it’s a smart plan to take a little care.

Can you safeguard yourself from humidity-induced sinus infections?

You can decrease your risk of getting a humidity-induced sinus infection, but you can’t eliminate it. You can protect your hearing from infection by taking some steps to keep your sinuses healthier. Some of the most common include the following:

  • Avoid allergens and irritants: If there are things you know bother your nose, avoid them when it’s humid. If you have allergies to tree pollen, for example, avoid a walk through the forest when the dew points are really high. You should also pass on things like the barbecue at the neighbor’s house if smoke irritates your nose.
  • Make use of nasal sprays to keep your cilia healthy and functional: If your cilia get too dry, for instance, they won’t be able to protect you any better than if things get too humid. Nasal sprays can supply, and maintain, just the right amount of moisture.

If you notice that you’re getting a lot of sinus infections, including when it’s humid, then it may be a good plan to speak to us. Occasionally, the shape of your sinuses can make you more prone to infection. There are also some medications that we can recommend to keep your sinuses healthy in other situations.

Go back to enjoying summer

Summer is one of those amazing times of the year, there’s so much to do and enjoy. You want to be out for a swim, on a hike, or at a sporting event not trapped inside nursing a sinus infection.

But humidity can be one factor in developing sinus infections. Make an appointment with us if you’re worried about sinus infections particularly when it’s extra sticky out.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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