ENT Specialists of Alaska

ENT Specialists of Alaska

ENT Health Blog

Hearing Loss and the Zinc Link

It might seem as if the roots of noise-related hearing loss are functionally well-established. After all, the name itself conveys a fairly straightforward cause-and-effect relationship. Our basic understanding is that permanent hearing damage is caused by exposure to overly loud sound over a long period of time. And while that’s accurate, the mechanisms behind that […]

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Tips for Relief and Prevention of Itchy Ears

Experiencing an itch in your inner ear can be very uncomfortable and distracting. While your instinct might tempt you to use your finger or a small object to scratch the itch, it is critical to know the underlying cause first. Identifying the root cause of your ear itch will help you determine the safest and […]

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Recognizing Sleep Apnea in Your Partner

Your quality of sleep and your partner’s health can be significantly affected by sleep apnea, which is a serious medical condition. If your partner’s loud snoring keeps you up at night, it might be an indication of sleep apnea. However, not everybody who snores is dealing with sleep apnea and not everyone with sleep apnea […]

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What Can You Expect to Learn From a Hearing Test?

The majority of people aren’t proactive about their hearing health and most likely haven’t had a hearing screening since grade school because it’s typically not part of a routine adult physical. Luckily, a professional hearing specialist can discover a wealth of information from a hearing test which can be used to both identify any hearing […]

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Practices to Prevent Noise-Related Hearing Loss

The typical summer day is usually filled with fun experiences and happenings, from motorcycle rides to family reunions to fireworks to sporting events. The majority of these activities are completely safe and healthy, but there are some that do come with a risk of noise-related hearing loss. Over time, the loud noises that accompany some […]

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Why Are Motorcyclists at an Increased Risk for Hearing Loss?

Love of the open road and the thrill of speed top the list of reasons why people love riding motorcycles. But this exciting hobby comes at a high risk of irreversible hearing damage for people who ride a lot. The effect of motorcycle speed and riding duration on hearing health was assessed in a detailed […]

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Comprehending and Controlling Post-Nasal Drip

It can be extremely annoying to have a persistent tickle in the back of your throat. No amount of coughing or throat clearing seems to do any good, and in some cases, you develop a sore throat and hoarseness. You don’t feel sick, but something is definitely amiss. Usually, post-nasal drip is caused by an […]

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Getting Ready For Your Hearing Test

You’re a rather busy individual, so it’s reasonable that you totally forgot about the hearing exam you have scheduled. Fortunately, you just received that reminder text from the clinic, and you still have time to get ready. So… what should you do? The effectiveness of your appointment will be improved with just a little bit […]

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Even With Hearing Loss, You Can Still Enjoy Summer Social Events

Relaxation, sunshine, and social events are what summer is all about. But enjoying these summer events can be a real challenge for people who have hearing loss. Fear not, as with a little planning and thought, you can ensure that your summer experiences are still fun. Worthwhile tips to get the most of summer Manage […]

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