ENT Specialists of Alaska

ENT Specialists of Alaska

ENT Health Blog

Can’t Hear Well at Work? You Might be Missing More Than You Know

Just picture for a minute you’re a salesperson. Now imagine that you have a call scheduled today with a very valuable client. Your company is being looked at for a job and a number of individuals from your business have gathered on a conference call. All of the various voices get a bit jumbled and […]

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At Night, the Buzzing in my Ears Seems Louder

Tinnitus often gets worse at night for the majority of the millions of people in the US that suffer with it. But what’s the reason for this? The ringing is a phantom noise due to some medical condition like hearing loss, it’s not an external sound. Naturally, knowing what it is won’t explain why you […]

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Traveling With Hearing Loss: Your Guide to a Safe, Fun Trip!

Aren’t there a couple of types of vacation? One kind is Packed with activities at all times. These are the trips that are recalled for years later and are packed with adventure, and you head back to work more exhausted than you left. The other kind is all about unwinding. These are the trips where […]

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How Soon do Hearing Aids Need to be Upgraded?

Once you get used to your hearing aid, it’s hard to be without it. Your hearing aids are, after all, your connection to the world around you. But it will occasionally need to be updated or replaced just like all technology. A hearing aid’s average lifespan A hearing aid will normally last 3 to 7 […]

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You May be Coping With Chronic Sinusitis if You Have Constant Sinus Pain

Your face is sort of loaded with holes. Well, perhaps it’s more accurate to say that your face is full of hollow places, four of them to be precise. These are known as sinuses. (Or sinus cavities.) Your sinuses help remove allergens and germs by facilitating mucus discharge from your nose. Consequently, you breathe easier […]

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Your Hearing is Faltering if You Observe Any of These 8 Subtle Indicators

It’s not like you just wake up one day, and suddenly can’t hear. For most people, hearing loss comes in degrees, particularly when it is linked to the aging process. You may not recognize it’s occurring immediately but some indicators do appear earlier. The initial symptoms of progressive hearing loss are subtle. Identifying them sooner […]

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What is The Link Between Concussions And Tinnitus?

You Know when you’re watching an action movie and the hero has a thunderous explosion close by and their ears start ringing? Well, at least some amount of mild brain trauma has likely happened to them. To be certain, brain injuries aren’t the part that most action movies focus on. But that high-pitched ringing is […]

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Summertime is Hearing Aid Time!

Have you ever woken up after a night’s sleep and heard birds singing a wonderful song through your open window? Most individuals probably don’t even know that those bird songs are called the “dawn chorus”. For whatever reason, birds see the sun coming up and choose to start belting out their favorite songs. Each type […]

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